We are Jouni and Leo. Two Finnish people who started a production company for stories that need to be heard.
We have both worked within various TV and video productions. Currently we are working on TV show and hopefully we can share it to world as soon as possible! We wanted to create a platform or an umbrella, if you may, where we can share stories that we find worthy of hearing. We are not politically active and our goal is to share different stories. Please stay tuned for our introduction posts.
We hope that we manage to create a worldwide community for all the different voices. If there is an event, movement or just something that needs to be documented, we hope we get a chance to be there and witness it OR we get your help for sharing that story.
We are not a political movement, but we also understand that it is nearly impossible to stay on common ground if we raise topics that are relevant. There is always opinions and positions. We are open for conversation and want to hear your opinion, even if you think ours is different than yours.